Sunday, December 15, 2024
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THANK YOU! Thank you to all who baked goodies, and/or made soup for the events of the Town of Yadkinville’s Yultide”. Although it was COLD I am sure all enjoyed and made new memories and stories of this Christmas time.
Monthly Mission Focus: For the month of December our Mission Focus is our Giving Tree. You can make a check payable to YUMC, with a memo “Giving Tree” or an online donation by choosing the “other” category and type “Giving Tree” in the note section. More information about Giving Tree is on page 9.
Yadkin Christian Ministries. YCM is in need of flour, sugar, toilet paper, paper towels, snacks for children, and canned meat. Baskets are in the Commons for your contributions. (YCM Food pick up for next Sunday, December 22, 2024 is Virgil & Dale Dodson.)
Nursery. If you would like to serve in the nursery, contact Sidney Matthews-Gunnell (336) 416-9160.
NETworX Yadkin. Join us on Monday evenings beginning at 5:30 pm for NETworX programming. We would love to have you join us as we explore what it means to live a holistically well life. We will garden, can, cook, and discuss deeper issues such as healthy relationships, how trauma affects our lives, what divides us as people, and strive to connect on a meaningful level. We are still searching for meal sponsors so if your group would be willing to donate a meal, please contact Crystal.
Leadership Team. The Leadership Team meets every month on the third Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the John Classroom. Our next meeting is December 18, 2024. Our monthly meetings are open to all members of the church. There is now a time designated for YOU, our church membership, to ask questions or to communicate with the Leadership Team. If you would like to read the minutes of our meetings, see the budget, or YUMC’s Guiding Principles, visit (password: YadkinvilleMember).
Sit-A-Spell. As the weather turns cooler it is time for another round of Sit-a-Spell. Pastor Jonathan wants to meet up with you on your porch, for coffee, or for lunch. No agenda, just a chance to sit and chat. Sign up for a time at or call Pastor Jonathan directly.
Newsletter. If you have any information you would like included in the newsletter please submit it to by the 23rd of each month for inclusion in the upcoming newsletter.
The Adult Sunday School Class continues to meet in the Family Life Center Sunday mornings between 9:15am and 9:45am. Everyone is invited. You do not have to attend each week to participate. It is relaxed, and you can enjoy breakfast provided by the men’s group. Contact Mark or Mitzie Moran for details.
Share your stories of Yadkinville UMC: We want to collect stories of Yadkinville UMC and you have them! If you have a personal story or memory that you are willing to share please let Pastor Jonathan know. You don't have to write it down you just have to tell it! If you have any pictures of YUMC over the years we would love those too, we will scan them and give the original back. We are especially looking for stories of: The Hobsons & other influential members, experiences of worshiping in the Old Sanctuary, Times the church faced difficult decisions, meaningful Holidays, times the church served well, what it was like when the old sanctuary/ education building/ sanctuary was built, and times you have encountered God through Yadkinville United Methodist Church. Let Pastor Jonathan know if you would be willing to share your story.