Recycling at YUMC

Hello! My name is Olivia Pizzuti, and I am currently working towards earning my Girl Scout Gold Award. A Gold Award is the Girl Scout equivalent to a Boy Scout Eagle Scout Award. To earn a Gold Award, you must spend at least 80 hours finding a need/problem in your community, creating a sustainable solution to that problem, and leading a team of five or more people to help implement that solution.

My project is all about recycling, so I'm happy to say that Yadkinville United Methodist Church now has a recycling program! 

Bins are located throughout the church:

  1. The office (paper only)
  2. The new kitchen
  3. The old kitchen
  4. The nursery

Informational recycling signs are posted above every bin, as well as on three bulletin boards (one in the Family Life Center, one outside the Educational Building, and one in the Educational Building's hallway outside of the nursery). The coloring sheets posted on the bulletin boards were colored by the girls in my Girl Scout troop!

Project Results

The charts above show the results from my project. The data comes from a Google Form that surveyed 25 people.

The first chart shows answers to the question: "After learning more about recycling in Yadkin County, how much more do you recycle in your own home?" Surveyees had the answer choices of "Much Less," "A Bit Less," "About The Same," "A Bit More," and "Much More." 13 people chose "About The Same," 6 people chose "A Bit More," and 6 people chose "Much More."

The second chart shows answers to the question: "After learning more about recycling in Yadkin County, how much more do you recycle at church?" Surveyees, once again, had the answer choices of "Much Less," "A Bit Less," "About The Same," "A Bit More," and "Much More." 9 people chose "About The Same," 7 people chose "A Bit More," and 9 people chose "Much More."

The third chart shows answers to the question: "Have you seen any noticeable changes around church since the implementation of a recycling program?" This was an open-ended question. Answers varied based on explanation, but overall 18 people said "Yes," 4 people said "No," and 3 people said "N/A" (meaning they haven't been to church in person).